Sunday, July 27, 2008

Black in America Review

After weeks of promoting, CNN debuted their series of Black in America this week. I was under the impression that this show would be different than most of the mainstream media's coverage of Black America. However, after viewing both segments of the show, I felt like they also stressed a lot of the negatives. I will say that I felt the first segment on The Black woman and family, was a little more informative than the second segment on the black man.
The first segment focused a lot on education and the importance of it in any racial community, but especially within the black community. One of stories featured on the show was that of a new phenomenon that was begun by a Harvard economist, Ronald G. Fryer. Fryer started the program to enthuse students about learning while also attempting to contribute to the problem of poverty among students in Harlem. The cash incentive program will encourage students to make good grades by rewarding them with a cash reward for their efforts. Critics of the program say its giving students a false hope and good grades should not be sought simply due to the promise of a cash reward. My sentiments are how many of us in our grown-up worlds do things on a daily basis for a cash reward. Every morning we get up and go to work for a cash reward. most people work hard at their jobs to be promoted and receive a raise. The point is, is that most decisions are made based on the bottom line and I don't think its wrong to support a hard working spirit at a young age.
The section on single black women was totally appropiate and shows a lack of equality among educational status and class among black men and women. On an episode of Oprah, she revealed a startling statistic that 70% of African American Women are single. Here are some the audience opinions on ehy they feel that is:

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